Navigate the link to see some of my previous and current work!

Documentary: "With a little help from my friends"
From the script to the post-production and final release, I put a bit of my soul into this project, sharing the experiences of an international student in her way to make friends and restart her career in a foreign country.
Content Writing - Matrix Internet

A series of blog posts I’ve written, revamped or edited to Matrix Internet, keeping the site up to date with relevant information to their clients.
Content Writing - TMDQA!
Articles about music and culture I wrote to the Brazilian Music Website “I Have More Records Than Friends” (available in Portuguese)

Online Shopping Setup - Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business and Email Marketing
Flore Creations is a small Irish Business focused in delivery artisanal dried flowers with whimsical and elegant designs.
Nadila, the woman behind the business, needed help setting up her shops on Facebook and Instagram, creating and editing Google Ads for the highest performance and making sure her costumers would receive tailored messages in all interactions. Using Shopify integrations and some of my Digital Marketing skills, we made it all possible.

Podcast - Discovering music online!